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Christmas presents for employers?

Present Etiquette for Nannies:

Questions often arise from Nannies as to whether to buy for employers and children or solely for the little ones. There is no right or wrong answer, but hopefully you will have a good relationship with your employers and will want to spread a little Christmas cheer. Do what makes you comfortable.

There's also the thoughtful consideration of helping children make gifts for their parents, a gesture that parents will cherish, regardless of the child's age.

Remember, this season is about creating cherished moments and spreading warmth, its not about expensive gifts or grand gestures.

Here are some ideas that have been shared with us over the years, please do comment and share your ideas too.

Some ideas for gifts from the children to their parents:

  • Pottery made at a Pottery Café

  • Handmade Christmas decorations for the tree

  • A framed photo of their child/children

  • Handmade card (Always a hit)

Some ideas for Gifts to your employer:

  • The gift of time - a babysitting voucher - you can decide how generous you want to be. Just be specific regarding the number of hours you are gifting.

  • A bottle of wine/favourite chocolates

  • Home made brownies/fudge

  • Framed photo of their children (Not the Nanny!)

  • Photo book - photos from that year (Parents LOVE this)

  • Scrap book (similar them to the photo book, but with activities added in that were completed that year, tickets, drawings, arts and crafts, funny things the children said)

Some ideas of gifts For the children:

You don't need to spend a fortune, just make sure its thoughtful and something you know they like:

  • Their favourite character on a T shirt or Mug,

  • A book or book Voucher

  • An arts and craft type activity for them to enjoy over the Christmas period

Do what your time and budget permits, you don't need to spend lots, if it comes from the heart and is thoughtful, it will be gratefully appreciated.

Don't forget how much parents LOVE anything handmade - A handmade card is ALWAYS a hit.


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